
We help you focus on the environment; by working with you to remove the complexities that surround biodiversity.

The Biodiversity Offsets Scheme (BOS) was introduced in 2016 under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 to ensure that our native vegetation isn’t destroyed by the progress of property development. It’s based on the theory that biodiversity values gained at an offset site will compensate for biodiversity values lost to development at another location to achieve a standard of ‘no net loss’ of biodiversity.

The main reason for offsetting is to encourage environmentally sustainable developments that won’t destroy native ecosystems and species. Offsetting also provides an incentive to protect biodiversity on private land; it provides an income for landholders with offset sites and achieves biodiversity conservation outcomes into the future.

Landholders can establish Biodiversity Stewardship Agreements to create offset sites on their land to generate biodiversity credits. These credits are then available for purchase by developers, landholders or the Biodiversity Conservation Trust to offset the impacts of development or clearing. Sufficient funds are held in trust to support the long-term management of the biodiversity stewardship sites.

Entering into Biodiversity Stewardship Agreements (BSA) can have significant and complex impacts on both cashflow and taxation outcomes. It can attract tax consequences if you don’t have the right guidance.

We simplify this complexity and provide you with strategies, planning and guidance for tax minimisation and cashflow management.

We can also connect you with trusted experts that can help you manage your property to satisfy your BSA requirements.


You value:

Simplify the complexities of the scheme

Connect with trusted biodiversity scheme specialists

Confidently navigate the consequences for better outcomes

An organised approach
Prevent development delays and meet projected milestones

Signum has experience helping others just like you

We are focused on your opportunities when we help you with:

●      Ownership structures

●      Capital gains & GST implications for entering a biodiversity stewardship agreement

●      Capital gains tax & GST implications on selling biodiversity credits

●      Strategies to minimise the tax implications and cash flow management

●      NSW Land Tax exemptions

●      Council rates exemptions

●      Tax implications on receiving annual stewardship payments

Speak with us about how we can simplify it for you, so you can avoid the traps, and focus on the environment.

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Signum Business Advisers.

Focused on your future.